Sunday 28 June 2015

My teacher told the class to go to University so we don't waist our lives and end up a homeless man on the street.

I stood up. I don't even know what I was thinking, I was just enraged.
my heart started beating fast and i just kept thinking that this had got to be staged.
I stared him dead in the eyes and replied "Who are you to tell us that we will waist our lives if we choose not to go on to a higher learning institute? Are you saying that we are less educated if we stray from the ideologies of this schools faculty? That if we decide to travel the world and imearse
 our selves in culture that we will be waisting our lives compared to a man who goes to business school only to be seated in a tiny cubical all day. And you dare to bring money into this? Sir both my parents did not graduate from any higher learning institute and they still earn twice as much as you. You see there is more ways then one to be an educated man. Don't tell students you're one sided beliefs. You're suppose to inspire them and let them chase their dreams. So what if someone doesn't want to go to university. It is not yours or any one elses place to judge, the world is full of men like you, men that think they know whats best for everyone, its time to let them figure it out themselves.

hello to anyone that will listen

I am starting this blog for myself and anyone who feels like me. which will soon become clear in the next paragraph.

I am a senior in high school, yes I know 'how annoying just one of those moody teenagers who blogs about complete crap', but do not worry as those 'moody teenagers' do not really exist, in fact the whole stigma about teenagers is complete baloney! if I have any older readers I want you to remember back to these days and how hard it was, now you remember.

I guess I started this blog to validate my feelings.
but I think I'm going to set myself a goal. What that goal will be, I have no idea.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

The Basics

Okay before I start any crazy endeavour I should probably tell you some basics about me.
- I am a very messy person
- I say what I think
- I can be a bit loud sometimes
- I suffer from extreme depression and OCD
- I started to write stories when I was 5
- I dislike people who believe Mental Illness is a joke
- I am very self conscious 
- It takes me a long time to get out of the bed in the morning
- I once didn't shower for a week because I was so depressed I couldn't leave my bed except to pee.
- I am senior and I hate school
- I am not very good at school because I am said to be 'too creative' and daydream.
- I have a deep desire to be free and run away.
- I don't wear make up to school because I don't have the strength to do it.
- I'm always late to school 
- I was bullied because I was 'different'
- I get sad a lot 
- I eat around 3 things a day 
- I dont exercise at all, to me it is a swear word.
- I have an anger problem which is weird and probably bordering on BPD
- I like to think that people are all good at heart even if I say I hate everyone.

This experience will change me, I know that but I hope I can stick to it. What have I got to lose?